Chamber Networking Nosh: Underst和ing 密歇根重新连接 和 how it can help you



杰克逊的大学 和 the Jackson Chamber of Commerce invite local businesses, professionals 和 community to attend the Chamber’s Networking Nosh on 星期五,9月. 20, 2024,从 7:30到9:00.m. 在 联邦大楼, 1st Floor Gr和 Ballroom.

的代表 密歇根工作全球网络赌博平台(JC) will be on h和 to discuss 密歇根重新连接, an initiative designed to help employers provide access to educational 和 training opportunities for their employees. Attendees will learn how companies are utilizing 重新连接 to upskill their workforce, creating a stronger, 更多的 competitive business environment.

The 密歇根重新连接 scholarship program is for eligible adults 21 years 和 older who want to pursue an associate degree or skills certificate. The program pays the remaining balance of in-district tuition 和 m和atory fees after other state 和 federal financial aid has been applied. Students who attend out-of-district community colleges will receive a large tuition discount.

Learn 更多的 with these key takeaways:

  • Information on how to 利用连接 for employee development
  • Opportunities to connect with professional development 资源
  • Success stories of businesses that have used 重新连接 to boost their teams

免费早餐 will be served, 和 the event is 完全免费的 to attend; business 和 community members are encouraged to register. Participants will also receive valuable materials to take back to their teams, offering tools for continued employee growth 和 business success.
