
Cultural fluent Associates LLP已签约与全球网络赌博平台合作,在该机构建立包容性卓越的文化. This work will be conducted over a period of many months and will be performed in stages.

这个词, 包容的卓越, captures the commitment to full and meaningful access and participation by everyone, with attention to those who experience particular and complex obstacles to the full benefits of 杰克逊的大学. Cultural Fluency Associates will guide the 杰克逊的大学 community in defining and creating 包容的卓越 在它的环境中.


  • 它包括什么

    The work will occur in a series of interconnected and interdependent phases. Phase I begins with the Jan 9th Convocation in which the 包容的卓越 work will be introduced to the College Community via keynote and breakout sessions.  Phase I also includes an assessment of the College’s climate and culture  from many perspectives.  This will involve an online survey as well as in-person focus groups.  Understanding the varying experiences of 杰克逊的大学 is essential for the community to imagine an inclusive future state. We will also rely on existing data collected by the institution that can serve as benchmarking for measuring progress. The initial phase also involves training with college leaders.  The President’s leadership team will engage in a series of group and individual sessions.  其目标是教育和培训大学领导,让他们掌握一套共同的语言和见解,以便在包容性努力中展开, 他们有能力支持成功.   第一阶段将于2024年4月结束,届时将举行一系列由学生参与的全校范围内的包容性目标确定会议, 工作人员, 教师, 和管理.  The results of the assessment will be shared, 讨论了, 并用于确定大学包容目标.

    There will be planning and some additional work with leadership during the summer of 2024.  Phase II of our work with the broader College community will pick up in the fall of 2024.  这一阶段将以评估结果为基础,为学院社区提供机会,优先考虑包容性目标,并制定单位层面的行动计划,以便在政策和实践层面开始学院的转型.  要制定有意义和有根据的行动计划,需要以构成社会正义方法的基本概念为基础-特别是如何表现出意外排斥以及如何通过公平而不是以平等为重点的干预措施实现积极包容.  因此, 这一阶段将涉及更广泛地与各部门/系或学院人员合作,使他们做好准备,确定将更具包容性的做法纳入其影响范围的方法.  领导层之外的人可能会渴望体验跨文化发展清单(IDI)的强大启发性好处。.

    2025年春季学期将标志着第三阶段,这将是在个人和团体以及机构层面实施转型包容实践的时期.  Based on the needs and gaps revealed in the assessment results, 可以为确定的个人提供关于建立人际间跨文化能力和群体环境包容性实践的会议.  More advanced sessions on skills such as allyship, 招聘过程中潜在的偏见, microaggressions, 种族和白人, interrupting and engaging offensive language and behavior, 有一些可能会提供的主题吗. 这一阶段还允许第一次有机会比较对现有大学评估中反映的归属和联系的标准化措施的反应, 并且确定有用, to repeat some of the assessment components conducted one year earlier.

  • 我们做什么

    建立诚信文化 包容的卓越 is the work of individual and institutional transformation; supporting people in growing into better versions of themselves and modifying processes, 政策, 以及更具包容性的做法. Such work requires an invitation that is respectful, 对于我们过去的经历和教训,以及我们对他人如何体验我们共享的空间的不完整的学习,我们充满同情心,不加评判.

    We approach this work ready to facilitate learning, 支持表达式, 培养自信和能力.  We educate, guide, and lead 杰克逊的大学 into the future it defines and desires to build.  虽然我们对未来的道路有一个概念, 每次行程由, 并且是独一无二的, 旅行者自己, so legs of the journey will be customized as the road unfolds.

    我们的个人转型方法认识到这一领域中成长的发展本质,并采用多管齐下的方法,以便见解可以在出现时得到实践,并且可以将持续的注意力应用到努力中.  我们利用和利用跨文化发展方法(包括跨文化发展清单(IDI))和社会正义方法中提取的材料的好处.

    跨文化发展模型描述了人们跨越差异的五种基本方式以及每种方式的影响.  跨文化发展量表(IDI)是一个备受推崇的在线评估工具,用于衡量个人在跨文化差异方面的默认方法. It has been shown through research to be reliable and cross-culturally valid.  通过1:1的对话, 了解一个人在跨越差异时的默认方式,与扩大参与方式多样性的策略相辅相成. Individuals learn to see the contrast between how they desire to show up and how others are likely to experience them.

    来自社会正义方法的材料提供了对特权的获得和传递以及压迫经历的方式的理解.  It also explores how our notions of equality and equity are reflected in our 政策, 实践, 组织规范.   在一起, 这种材料对任何人来说都是一种方式, but particularly those from the dominant culture, to recognize how exclusion may be unintentionally built into 政策, 实践, 以及个人行为.

    Institutional transformation occurs as norms of active inclusion in policy, 实践和过程占据主导地位.  这项工作依赖于个人和集体的能力,以以前错过的方式“看到”事物,并拥有评估和修改潜在排他性操作方式的工具.

  • 我们是谁

    Arlene Garcia, EdD, LCSW

    Dr. Arlene Garcia is a cultural fluency educator and clinical social worker. Her work in these areas spans over 15 years and centers on supporting individuals, 社区, and organizations in their unique and transformative intercultural journeys.

    Dr. 加西亚也是总部设在康涅狄格州的倡导组织RACCE(跨文化教育激进倡导者)的联合创始人。. 她的领导和与RACCE的合作重点是实现体制和宏观层面的公平教育实践.

    作为一名临床社会工作者. Garcia is seasoned in her healing work with minoritized and marginalized populations. 她在以客户为中心和创伤知情的个人治疗方法方面经验丰富,见证了不同的权力和特权经历.

    她的专业经验也延伸到学术领域,在那里她担任过各种头衔,包括系主任, 全球网络赌博平台负责人, 助理教授, 兼任教授. Her academic experience includes program development, 认证的准备, and service on academic and community-based committees.


    As a founding partner and full-time trainer/consultant with Cultural Fluency Associates LLP, 凯文的发展, 礼物, 促进多样性, 包容和文化发展与个人和组织合作,努力与他们的价值观和使命保持一致.

    Kevin has experience providing direct social services, 大学水平的教学, 还有草根阶层, 多元文化社区组织.  For the past 15 years he has combined his commitment to justice, his knowledge of dynamics of privilege and oppression, 还有他的倾听技巧, 促进, 和教学, to provide transformational DEI training and consulting.

    客户包括学院/大学, 市、县政府, 基金会, 非营利组织, 学校, 还有宗教组织. His community work was highlighted in the PBS special, 我们的孩子:缩小机会差距 哪部在2019年首映.


Arlene Garcia, EdD, LCSW

